2010年12月18日 星期六

[轉/活動推廣] “ 卖牙刷,助残友回乡过喜年”

Healthy Brush With Love


1. 筹募回乡津贴给在吉隆坡一带工作的残障朋友,减轻他们的负担。我们将依据这些低收入残障朋友的回乡地点给予马币100至500元不等补贴。余款则成为双福2011年的行政费用。

2. 徵求义工顺载残障朋友回家。


1. 个人
2. 公司
3. 学院
4. 学校
5. 展览档口
6. 早市和夜市
7. 教会

1. 报章和杂志
2. 电台—爱FM

1. 教育社会大众照顾口腔及牙齿的健康
2. 津贴残障朋友的车资,让他们可以回乡与家人共聚天伦之乐。
3. 唤醒广大群众关注残友在交通上的需要。
4. 加强双福协助残友需要的范围。
5. 这是一项以帮助残障者为主的年度活动,我们的对象是在吧生谷范围以外就职或面对经济能力不足及其它需要的残障朋友。

双福吁请商家、学校、团体或个人能在佳节期间以实际行动协助残友的需要,欢迎以认购牙 刷方式,每支售价为RM 5.00,或是认领协助售卖方式来募集经费,让更多人得以帮助。

正所谓“星星之火可以燎原”让我们借力使力,把爱点亮,协助残障朋友在爱的路上无障碍 ,也让我们一起“刷出健康,刷出爱”使残障朋友可以开开心心渡过新春佳节。任何询问欢 迎致电双福公关廖春莲小姐,03-79831842 / 1843。

“Balik Kampong Toothbrush Charity Sale 2011”

Our theme of the project : “Healthy Brush With Love”

Introduction of ShuangFu :
We are a Non Profit Organization and incorporated in 2000 with the objectives of providing occupational and job training services, creating public awareness in motivating the disabled to be independent, empowered the disabled in their self worth and dignity and advocacy for the disabled.

We are also working towards the development of reaching the unreached disabled, empowering disabled to reach new heights and a brighter future.

Our Objectives :
To subside fares for our disabled working friends in the Klang Valley to go home during the Chinese New Year. We are targeting the lower income group with a subsidy of between RM100 to RM500 depending on their distance and amount collected. Part of the fund will also be used to subside our yearly operating expenses of our organization for 2011.

Seek for the volunteer who is on their way back to hometown can send the disabled back to their home.

Our Target & Lead Time :
We plan to launch this project in the month of December 2010 ending in January 2011 and expected to sell 15,000 pieces to fund about 120 to 150 disabled working friends.

Our Target groups :
- Individuals
- Corporate
- Colleges
- Schools
- Exhibition Counters
- Morning and Night Markets
- Churches

Publicity : ( To source for sponsorship to save cost.)
- Newspapers, T.V and Magazines
- Radio – AIFM,

Benefits :
- Educating public in Teeth Scaling for healthy gums.
- Traveling allowance to subside our disabled working friends to spend CNY with their love ones.
- Bringing awareness to the public of the needs of our disabled working friends.
- Promoting our work among the disabled.
- To make this project an annual event to benefit a wider area of working disabled friends beyond Klang valley and other needs of our poor disabled friends.

圖文轉載自: http://www.shuangfu.org/main/?p=591




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